Audius Presents

Amplify Hackathon

A week of building & innovation using the Audius API and SDK.

Sep 23, 2024
Monday, September 30, 2024
Last day to submit:
Monday, September 30, 2024

Join us for a week long hackathon where developers, creators, and music enthusiasts come together to build innovative tools and solutions using the Audius API and SDK.

How It Works

  1. Sign Up: Register by September 23rd. It’s free, and you can participate solo or in teams of up to 3 people.
  2. Build: Start building your project when the hackathon begins. You’ll have 1 week to complete your project.
  3. Submit: Submit your finished project by 11:55pm PST September 30th. Be sure to check the submission requirements below.
  4. Judging: Our panel of judges will review submissions based on functionality, user experience, innovation, and technical execution.
  5. Win: Winners will be announced on Wednesday, October 2nd and will receive exclusive prizes and recognition within the Audius community.

Hackathon Development Tracks

Analytics Track

Dive into data to build powerful insights and tools that help artists and fans better understand the music ecosystem.

Curation Track

Craft the ultimate music discovery experience, helping listeners find their next favorite tracks, artists, or playlists.

Judging Criteria

Each Development Track will be scored on a scale of 1-10 on the following metrics, highest point total wins!

Analytics Track

  • Functionality: Does the tool provide accurate, reliable, and relevant analytics? Are the data insights actionable?
  • User Experience: Is the tool intuitive and easy to use? Does it have a clean and responsive design?
  • Innovation: Does the tool introduce new ways of analyzing data or provide unique insights?
  • Impact: How valuable is the tool for users? Can it significantly improve decision-making for artists, curators, or listeners?
  • Technical Implementation: Is the code clean, well-documented, and efficient? How well does it leverage the Audius API and JavaScript SDK?
  • Creativity: This is a place to make up some bonus points, get creative and try something new!

Curation Track

  • Functionality: How well does the Submission help users discover, organize, and share music? Are the recommendations accurate and personalized?
  • User Experience: Is the Submission engaging, visually appealing, and easy to navigate? Does it enhance the music discovery process?
  • Innovation: Does the Submission offer new or improved methods for curating music? How does it stand out from existing Submissions?
  • Impact: How effectively does the Submission connect users with music they love? Can it foster a stronger community on Audius?
  • Technical Implementation: Is the Submission well-coded, stable, and performant? How effectively does it utilize the Audius API and JavaScript SDK?
  • Creativity: This is a place to make up some bonus points, get creative and try something new!


Teams must submit a Demo walkthrough of their project and its functionality

  1. Demos should be around 3 minutes long.
  2. Things your demo should include:
    • Your team name,
    • What challenge(s) you’re responding to,
    • How your project addresses the challenge,
    • What technologies (languages, platforms, APIs, hardware, sponsored tools, etc.) you used,
    • what problems you ran into and how you solved them,
    • anything else you’re super proud about!
    • a video demo ≤ 3 minutes long showcasing the features of your project

The best demos are the ones that engage the judges - so be sure to include a link to try out you app/project/hack if applicable while you explain to them how it works in your video and why your team should win!

As always, don’t hesitate to ask any questions in the Discord to get a better idea about the judging phase!


Each Development track will be judged separately with winners from each track being eligible for various prizes.

First Prize

The Top submission in each track will receive a $1000 grand prize!

Runner Up

Team members from the runner up submission will receive a Arturia BeatStep Pad Controller to kick start their own music creation journey!

All Teams

Everyone is a winner in some way, great projects, novel solutions, and interesting submissions will be recognized across official Audius social channels!


Help spread the word! use the #amplifyhackathon and #buildonaudius hasthtags to let others know about your work and invite your friends and fellow developers!

Rules & Code of Conduct

  1. Please be civil and respectful to all people.
  2. Please do not use inappropriate language/send inappropriate picture, gifs, videos, etc.
  3. Please do not send inappropriate links or anything harmful.
  4. No NSFW or obscene content.
  5. Any harassment or abuse of any kind will not be tolerated
  6. No spam or self-promotion (server invites, advertisements, etc) without permission from a staff member. This includes DMing fellow participants.
  7. Please do not spam the chat or voice channels.
  8. Please try to send messages in the correct channels.
  9. Please cooperate with and abide by the rules.
  10. Please adhere to the submission rules posted on this hackathon landing page.
  11. If something/someone is bothering you, please report it immediately to the mods.